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Author: Rui Verde
ISBN: 978-989-8325-70-9
Published: December/2022


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Author Edition

Author: Rui Costa Pinto
ISBN: 978-989-95965-9-7
Published: May/2019


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«All kinds of censorship seem monstrosities to me,
something rather worse than murder.
Any attack on thoughts
is a crime against the soul»


  Gustave Flaubert
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CIA 'Secret' Flights - Behind the Shame

Author: Rui Costa Pinto
ISBN: 978-989-95965-0-4
Published: November/2008


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The transference of illegal prisoners to Guatanamo was carried out on Portuguese soil. This is a major embarrassment for the Portuguese government, as well as for its last four prime-ministers: António Guterres, José Manuel Durão Barroso, Pedro Santana Lopes and José Sócrates.

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Author: Rui Verde
ISBN: 978-989-8325-60-0
Published: April/2018


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PVP 8.48€

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Angola is going through a decisive moment after the designation of a new president of the Republic. Is João Lourenço a leader who can cope with the challenges of Angola or is he another caretaker of the Angolan "capture of the State" by the private interests of an egotistical oligarchy?

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