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Change Behaviors - for the sake of our future

Change Behaviors - for the sake of our future

Author: Fernando Silva e Sousa
Published: December/2012
Colection: MAIS ACTUAL
Publisher: RCP Edições

Stock: Available
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 Format: Paper Book
 Pages: 224
 Cover: Capa Mole
 Dimention: 15 x 23 cm
 Price: €5.90 €5.02

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"Change Behaviors - for the sake of our future" is a starting point in the search of solutions so that the future generations inherit a better world, based upon a radical change in the behaviors of youngsters and of matures, in which the defense of the merit and of the environment are put at the service of the eradication of injustice, poverty and corruption.

Fernando Silva Sousa, based upon his international auditing experience, re-launches the debate with a new concept of governance and of citizens’ welfare, starting with a concrete example, which was the rise and collapse of the Firestone subsidiary in Alcochete, that used to operate in the grounds which presently accommodate the premises of the Freeport Outlet.

As Dr. Paulo Morais stresses in the preface, "Portugal is at a crossroads that are not only financial."



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This book intends to inject in Portuguese and, in particular, in the upcoming youth, the belief that we are in a transitional stage between the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. The values ​​that we have hitherto regarded as fundamental in the organization and functioning of our society, and which took root among us in the form of an old mentality, are profoundly ill and already obsolete, which is reflected throughout the organization of our already exhausted societies. And because such old mentality is, to a great extent, the cause of the widespread crisis in which we live, it shall have to be targeted and deposed, and a new mindset shall be born from its ashes, to lead us to the resurrection of a new Portugal and of a new world, where they, the new generation, and those to come, shall be the engines of the mentality developments that shall be the basis of the great changes that are coming and that we already begin to glimpse in the horizon.

This book is also intended as a contribution to make the people feel that everybody is important in any working team and that the stability and progress of human societies is the direct result of cohesion, a high sense of self-imposed discipline and of the harmonic interplay of the various actions between the various individuals who comprise the many groups that make up this vast human society tissue. For this reason, whenever a group or an enterprise comprising several working groups, fails, this represents a loss to the society where we live, reaching the entire community. (...)




Preface 11

Foreword 15

Part I

- Case-study - Firestone Portuguesa SA 21

Overview 23

Start up 27

Period before the Revolution 31

Period immediately after the Revolution 35

Period between the Revolution and the joining to the EEC 39

Period between joining the EEC and the Peak 45

The Japanese and the company’s collapse 51

Conclusions 57

Part II – The Message – The Challenges of the Future 69

Unbalances among the Peoples 71

Changes until the 19th century 79

Developments in the 20th and 21st centuries 85

A raid into the future

- Surrounding factors 97

- Scenario 1 - Isolation 107

- Scenario 2 – Opening 111

Our Partycracy 159

Portugal and Europe 203

21st Century - Perspectives 211

Epilogue 219





Born in Nampula, Mozambique, in 1941.

At the age of 17, he joined a South African audit company, as Junior Audit Clerk;

After having gone through two of the eight major international Audit companies, at the age 31 he joined the staff of Arthur Andersen & Co, working in their Madrid and Lisbon offices.

At 33, he became a Senior Audit Manager, responsible for audits of large multinational companies.

At 37, he joined the staff of Firestone Portuguesa SA, and shortly afterwards he joined the international staff team of the parent Company.

He lived and worked in several countries and, while in Liberia, he was appointed the Honorary Consul of Portugal in the Republic of Liberia.

At the age of 71, he debuts, with this work, in the book writing fields.


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