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Angola and Money The Sting on BES and the transition of the regime - 3rd edition updated

Angola and Money The Sting on BES and the transition of the regime - 3rd edition updated

Author: Rui Verde
Published: October/2014
Colection: MAIS ACTUAL
Publisher: RCP Edições

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 Format: Paper Book
 Pages: 150
 Cover: Capa Mole
 Dimention: 13,5 x 21cm
 Price: €8.48

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The  Banco Espirito Santo (BES) case  is the most recent scandal in the businesses between Angola and Portugal, at a time when the transition of the regime is discussed at the highest levels  and engages  a new generation of angolans. The debate about the regime in Angola is on the table. That makes it all the more urgent to reflect on its leading figures and the threats that hang over the multimillionaire enterprises created by Portuguese and Angola businessmen.

"Angola e Dinheiro - Golpada no BES e a transição do regime" (3ª edição actualizada) identifies the consequences that will take place with the alteration of the political and institutional framework in Angola.

The changing attitude of the State in Angola in relation to corruption, the possible embezzlement of public funds and the great financial and economic interests put Portugal under pressure.

Equally, the scrutiny of the origin of the funds used to make large investments and the development of various judicial investigations, taking place in both countries, may shake the Portuguese economy and its Stock Exchange.

The research done by Rui Verde, supported by institutional documentation, as well as by various other official documents, allows for a characterisation of the modus operandi of the investors in Angola, and it make it possible to conclude that, through the identification of a financial and economic pattern applied repeatedly for the enrichment of the élite of Angola, the Family and the High Individualities and businessmen that gravitate around the President of the Republic of Angola have adopted a strategy to protect themselves from the risks of the transition of the regime.


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I have been one of the first of a new wave of Portuguese going to Angola. Around 2000/2001 the Universidade Independente de Angola started the process of getting established in Luanda.

As Vice-Rector of the institution I took a special interest in its establishment in Luanda and was introduced to the various power and financial mechanisms in existence at the time.

Angola is beautiful and its people fantastic but it is a country on hold for as long as the procedures of the leading élite do not change.

The book is based on my personal experience, both academic and of business, as well as on my direct knowledge of the various political, financial and business issues in Angola.  It is also the result of seven years of research on the subject. And it is largely grounded on more than twenty interviews I had with those placed in high positions within the State, the Government, the Information Services of Angola and also with top Management of the Portuguese and Angola banks.

I have always looked for external and independent sources who could confirm and explain the stories that I heard or that I know.  Generally, what I know was confirmed by trustfully and secure sources, particularly documents from organisations with credibility, such as  the north American Senate, sentences from British High Courts, reports from the International Monetary Fund and also worldwide well implemented non-governmental organisations such as The International Amnesty, Corruption Watch UK or Human Rights Watch.

After doing the research it became clear that there is a way of acting in Angola based on a financial and economic pattern, applied repeatedly for their enrichment by the élite, by the financial movements and the joint ventures with the Portuguese.

I also understood that the regime in Angola is going through a period of transition and that the essential leitmotiv (concern) of the present élite is to enrich fast and to save themselves from that transition.  That being the reason behind the voracious attitude seen in many of those in government in Angola.  But the regime is fragile and may break from one day to the next.

The book is divided into three parts: the first is about what I got to know and, above all, what I learnt about the money and the financial fluxes in Angola; in the second part I dwell on real power in Angola and its constitutional and legal aspects; the third part, being the more personal one, concerns the development of the basis of the creation and 'angolanisation' of the Universidade Independente de Angola.



PART I - Money in Angola

Enrichment of the Élite: business plan

Financial Fluxes

New businessmen


PART II - Power in Angola

Why is Angola not rich?

An example: Arkady Gaydamak

Mistakes, democracy and freedom

Ambiguity and external policy

Two possible paths or the abyss?


PART III - Universidade Independente de Angola

First trip

Minister and the Angola's group

Triangulated money

Appropriation of public property

Tragic epilogue

Affirmative action: the students of Universidade Independente de Lisboa and Angola






Rui Verde was born in 1966. He holds a doctorate in law (Ph.D.) from the University of Newcastle, England, where he taught.

For many years he was professor of law and university manager in Portugal, Angola and Brazil. He has written several books on philosophy of law, the emergence of the judiciary, Angola and political-judicial issues.

In Angola, he is Legal Advisor to MakaAngola, Angolan entity for the defence of human rights, democracy and against corruption directed by Rafael Marques. Formerly, was one of the founders of the Independent University of Angola, of which he was formally vice president between 2004-2006.

He is now a scholar in England and member of the working group organized in the University of Oxford and the LSE which studies the new normative politics in Africa.

Commentator on African issues for Deutsche Welle and Radio-France International.

International consultant working with North American and British institutions.

Has several books published, among which:

“O Processo 95 385. Como Sócrates e o Poder Político destruíram uma universidade”, Leya, 2011.

“Helicópteros com Dinheiro. Sair do Euro, da Crise e Mudar o Estado” Chiado Editora, 2012.

“Angola e Dinheiro” RCP Edições, 2013 (4 edições).

“Os Juízes: O Novo Poder”, RCP Edições,2015


“Os Três Magníficos. Sócrates, Lula e José Eduardo dos Santos. Vidas e Negócios Paralelos” RCP Edições,2016.

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